Monday, November 20, 2006

Review of Busting Loose From The Money Game by Robert Scheinfeld

Incredible! That is the first word that comes to mind after reading “Busting Loose From The Money Game” by Bob Scheinfeld.

Bob has managed to put down in writing a topic that up until now has not been very well described in other literature of this kind, namely, the mechanics of how the universe works through our own creative efforts.

I have been a student of metaphysics, esoterism, new age and spirituality in general for over 20 years and I believe that this book boils down the process of creative manifestation into a few short, easy to apply steps that will have anyone creating the life that they’ve always wanted.

First, Bob describes the “theory” behind his method. The explanation is a little long, but well worth reading since it forms the base upon which his method of manifestation of wealth build upon. He warns the reader not to skip ahead, and trust me, you shouldn’t.

Bob then proceeds to explain his method in a few, short steps that anyone can do in any situation they find themselves in.

So what can you accomplish with his system? I wouldn’t want to give away the surprise, but let’s just say that you can “collapse” your current view of life and “bust loose” to a new level of living where money is no longer an issue.

This book is a must read for anyone that feels that they too want to rid themselves of money worries.

Get your copy of “Busting Loose From The Money Game” now. Click here to get your copy now for only $16.47 USD.

Armando Capó